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Offensive Spells

Offensive spells are your main way of attacking opposing players. Some of them are direct attacks, others more passive rather than active in the way that they work. The majority of these offensive spells are straightforward, but nearly all of them have ways to be risky and unfortunate for you as well. Click on a desired magic spell to learn more about it!




The lightning is one of the rarest and strongest spells in the game. It summons forth a thundercloud that strikes the player in the first place. It's attack has range that can also hit other players around the target.

The bolt is a spell that enables its user to do a swift, inescapable attack. It makes use of a targeting system that allows the user to pick specific targets to hit with almost 100% guarantee.


Fire Dragon

Power Scepter

The fire dragon is a spell that counts to five, after which it will attack whoever it's currently on. The fire dragon is the only spell that can be transferred from one player to another via touch.

The power scepter is a spell that only exists in magic team mode. It benefits your team by giving everyone a guaranteed critical chance for a short period of time.



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